The Grow Your Heart/Train Your Brain fitness program is perfect for individuals who want to be empowered to manage their emotional and mental wellness and take charge of their personal growth and development.
When faced with childhood trauma or chronic adult stress, our developmental processes can slow down or stop altogether. These developmental delays can often turn into mental health diagnoses.
This is an opportunity to expedite personal healing and growth by doing the right activities (exercises) to naturally move your mind and body through the developmental stages. Maybe you've heard of the value of "re-parenting" yourself; this takes the guesswork out of it in the form of an "exercise" or fitness program that is fun, manageable, and highly impactful!
This program follows the CBT and DBT evidence-based intervention models, with the twist that it allows individuals to intervene on their own behalf by participating in the program. This model supports the work you are already doing and will encourage and inspire your clients to do their own work. This facilitator manual is created for anyone to follow to facilitate a group fitness program!
THIS DIGITAL FACILITATOR MANUAL INCLUDES fIVE SESSIONS WITH FACILITATOR NOTES AND THE FULL INDIVIDUAL WORKOUT MANUAL, with permission to photocopy for client use. This one-time purchase for each facilitator, coach, clinician, or caseworker will help your organization keep costs low for serving large populations or populations with high turnover. Let us know how we can support you and your organization.
This digital option is cost-effective and versatile. It gives your facilitators options for binding and accommodating closed custody environments and a large or frequent client base.
We at Vashti's House are committed to helping helpers! Let us know how we can support you!
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