“Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart.”

Vashti is a finder (her husband knows). She finds information. She finds connections in information. She finds ways to connect the information to where and how we need it, and she finds ways to connect people to their gifting and purpose and to each other.
Vashti is the creative genius behind Vashti's House. She is a survivor of childhood trauma, including the abandonment of her mother, a kidnapping, the death of her second mother, and subsequent mental illness and developmental delays.
Vashti's creativity and desire for learning is what fueled her ability her to find enjoyable and practical ways to overcome and heal within the rigors of every day life. This same creativity and passion is what fuels her commitment to helping others through Vashti's House.
Vashti has spent most of her 20 year career in adult and juvenile corrections serving in security, treatment, and support staff capacities. Vashti's passion throughout her professional career has been helping people enjoy success in the community after incarcaration. Vashti and her Husband Chris have been married over 35 years and together have four children and two honorary kids and two and counting grandchildren.
Vashti holds a graduate degree in Criminal Justice/Corrections and Reentry from the University of Cincinnati and certifications in CBT group facilitation, EPICS intervention and support strategies, Trauma Informed Care, Stress First Aid Trainer, ASAP intervention, and Peer Mentoring. She is a naturally gifted educator and trainer and has improved her skills as a treatment facilitator for incarcerated adults in Alaska and Oregon, part time instructor at the Oregon Department of Public Safety and Standards Training (DPSST) and an adjunct professor at Corban University.
Contact us here if you want to learn more about Vashti's availability as a keynote speaker or professional development training for your organization.
"When we're hurt and feel powerless, change is daunting. That's why I feel inspired to share what I've learned in regards to making growth and healing interesting and accessible for everyone." Vashti

Marion County Transitional Center- Salem, OR: Treatment facilitator
Santiam Correctional Institution- Salem, OR: Treatment facilitator
Department of Public Safety Standards and Training (DPSST)- Salem, OR: Part time correctional instructor
Corban University- Salem, OR: Criminal Justice Department Adjunct professor
Santiam Correctional Institution- Salem, OR: Treatment facilitator
Oregon State Correctional Institution- Salem, OR: Treatment facilitator
Oregon State Penitentiary- Salem, OR: Treatment facilitator
Hillchrest Youth Correctional Facility- Salem, OR: Group Life Coordinator II
McLaughlin Youth Correctional Facility- Anchorage, AK: Juvenile Justice Officer II
Hiland Mountain Correctional Institution- Anchorage, AK: Mentoring coordinator; Life skills facilitator
Alaska Correctional Ministries- Anchorage, AK: Development Coordinator; Volunteer Coordinator and Trainer
Palmer Correctional Institution- Anchorage, AK: Life skills facilitator
Christian Community Placement Services- Salem, OR: Proctor Parent
Concept Seven- Orange, CA: Juvenile transitional home support staff
Women's ministry leader and board member: The Way Church
Founder and Director of ManUp: Community transition program for men in re-entry after incarcaration
Program Mentor: Simonka House
Personal Mentor: Highland Mountain Correctional
Master of Science in Criminal Justice/Corrections and Reentry: University of Cincinnati; Cincinnati, OH
Bachelor of Science in Psychology/Family Studies: Corban University; Salem, OR
Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice: Chemeketa Community College Salem, OR
Vashti is a lifelong member of the PSI CHI International Honor Society in Psychology