We're not telling you how to get the experiences you need, we're giving you the experiences you need to live healthy and whole in the world today.
​"I know a little girl named Vashti." That's what my second-grade teacher told her sister on a phone call in 1972. My brother, sister, and I had been put on a "prayer chain" after our kidnapping from our non-custodial mother and her convicted felon husband. The unusual nature of my name and a second-grade teacher paying attention in a small classroom in a remote part of Hawaii led to our return.
For my whole life, two things have been constants: the complication of my name and my desire for a home.
For many of us, home is evasive. Even after my chaotic childhood and my emergence into adulthood, I continued to feel misplaced, unsettled, lost, and lonely. That didn't change after I got married or even after the birth of my four children. My feelings of hopelessness and defeat actually increased. Normal life circumstances hit hard when you don't have the skills to process, face, and work through them. Which I didn't. ​
As the kids got older, my interactions with others increased. I continued my career as a treatment provider within the criminal justice system and I realized many people are just like me. In fact, most people I interacted with daily also struggled with the same obstacles I faced. External obstacles formed from a broken home, emotionally immature parents, as well as internal barriers due to significant developmental delays from childhood trauma and chronic stress, made it hard to move forward.
Everything changed when I got the revelation that "home" wasn't an external place I created but the living space inside of me.
When I made a home inside myself, I could take it wherever I went, and it could never be taken from me.
Vashti's House combines all the practical skill-building and life-change techniques I learned in my formal education and training, which I received and practiced in my career and the personal work I've done in my private life. Most of our internal work is done in our private lives while curled up on our couches, waiting in our cars, lying awake in bed at night, or hiding in bathrooms or closets.
The good news is that you no longer have to do that work alone. At Vashti's House, we create fun, engaging, and intensely challenging materials that you can take to those spaces and places. Coach Ruby or Coach Ranger are happy to sit with you. Lenny the Chicken has some critical insight on finding your superpower. Sit on your bed with "Mama's Hands" and process what could have been and what is now. Let "baby brother" walk with you. Everything we produce at Vashti's House is to give you the experience you need to grow and heal in highly accessible and engaging ways.
Life is hard enough, and our healing and growing don't have to be.
Come one in. Stay awhile, and make yourself at home. Vashti
Mission: Create accessible experiences for healthy growth and development so anyone can make a home inside themselves and live in Peace, Expectancy, and Belonging, no matter what.
Vision: Help people all over the world change the way they live internally so the difficulties of life are building blocks for the future instead of stumbling stones.
Values: Creating products and services that utilize evidence based and data supported methodologies.
Home is the primary place we receive what we need for growth and development throughout our lives. We value creating a healthy "home" inside ourselves so we can re-produce healthy home environments wherever we go.
Meet our Contributors
Founder and Director
Product development